
Internship For The Iowa Lake Criminal Justice Program Essay

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My internship for the Iowa Lake Criminal Justice program has come to an end. I did my internship in the field of law enforcement with the Spirit Lake Police Department. It has been a lot of fun to be apart of the Spirit Lake Police Department. I have learned so much more than I thought I would and I’m so thankful that I got the opportunity to do the internship. For My internship I got to do 240 hours with the SLPD. I was able to do a number of things with them like ride alongs, community policing events, and spend time in the dispatch center seeing how call get to them and then sent out to the officers.
For my internship I was with the Spirit Lake Police Department. They are located in Spirit Lake Iowa and they’re a city police department. They have a total of ten people working in their department. The Spirit Lake Police Department hierarchy is one Chief; Jeff Hanson, two Sergeants; Shane Brevik and Scott Colt, 6 Officers; Josh Kilpatrick, Nathan Roth, Daren Diers, Jesse Miller, Hunter Clayton, and Ryan Vos. They also have an office secretary Sanja Erickson. They also have a K-9 whose name is Cairo his handler is Sergeants Brevik. They also normally have a lieutenant but Rodney Baker retired back in May so they’re in the process of promoting one of their officers to that position once there new officer Ryan Vos comes back from the academy. The schedules that the Spirit Lake officers have are 4 days on and then 4 days off. They work a 12-hour shift (Six to Six). They

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