
Interpreting Northern Ireland By E. Moxon-Browne

Decent Essays

Summary of a Review E. Moxon-Browne’s review of John Whyte’s Interpreting Northern Ireland was quite favorable. Moxon-Browne discusses first Whyte’s unbiased approach and dedication to the North Ireland Conflicts. He emphasizes that Whyte had spent his entire life dedicated to researching and summarizing the problems and solutions in the North Ireland conflict. Moxon-Browne goes on to cover Whyte’s interpretations and understanding of the topic. Whyte states that the viewpoints of Nationalist, Unionist, Marxist, and Internal Conflict are the main ways to interpret the North Ireland conflict. Moxon-Browne agrees that these four are the predominant ways to view the conflict, however, he accentuates Whyte’s belief of many, varied solutions …show more content…

The two editors offer different views, as compared to Whyte, and cover the few topics that Whyte missed in his writing.
My Review John Whyte’s Interpreting Northern Ireland is a detailed work, focusing mainly on the Troubles. Whyte divides his book into logical sections which I benefitted from immensely. First the various facets of the conflict, the ways of interpreting the conflict, and finally possible solutions to the conflict. Overall, Whyte takes a neutral stance and presents a quite reportorial book on the topic. Whyte’s coverage of the various factors of the North Ireland conflict is near total. His target audience ranges from third party observers to budding historians. He cites the historians that surveyed and researched the topic, along with the actual data. He then goes on to analyzing and interpreting the data. This brings into focus the intertwining religious, economic, political, and psychological factors of the North Ireland conflict. Whyte strives to be unbiased, bringing to the table both the extreme and centrist …show more content…

Controversy swarms this topic because many believe partition to be an inherently evil British concept, along with it being one of the main causes for an escalated North Ireland conflict. John Whyte covered this topic using the Organizational Process method. When Britain decided to return Ireland to a state of Home Rule, the Ulster unionist backlash was huge. Faced with a crisis, Ireland’s officials were slow to act. Britain stepped in to try to hastily resolve the conflict. British parliament proceeded to view the conflict along pre-established nationality lines of Catholic nationalists and Protestant unionists. Parliament ignored the fact that many Protestant unionists were not organized or firm on their position against Home Rule. Britain did not understand that Protestant unionists were able to be coerced or appeased without partition. Britain also chose to partition because it was one of the first solutions presented, one that they were quick to use in foreign affairs. They failed to realize that countries like India and Palestine were thrown into decades of turmoil because Britain or Britain’s allies chose to partition the countries. Partition was also one of the resource efficient ways of calming down the Irish. After entering WWI, British attention was not fully focused on the North Ireland conflict. After hastily pushing Home Rule through, the final rejection

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