
Interracial Dating Research Paper

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Interracial Dating
Interracial dating has many effects on people, from what they think to who they think they should date. Interracial couples are not only heterosexual but also among the LGBT community. Although they are all around, people seem to hold prejudice against couples, especially if there is a need to keep the family pure from other races. These types of families are usually the ones to hold the most prejudice among their children, trying to control who they date. Little research exists on interracial dating; however, available studies indicate that younger people, African-American and Caucasian men, college students, people from diverse backgrounds and those with a history of interracial dating tend to be the most likely to date …show more content…

As of 2009, a Pew Research Center survey found that just 6 percent of whites and 3 percent of blacks said they could not accept a black-white interracial marriage within their own family. The increase in the proportion of marriages that are interracial reflects a general decrease in overt racism in the United States over the last several decades. Although overt racism has declined, many researchers believe that individuals express their negative attitude toward other races through “aversive racism,” personally avoiding members of other races while publicly supporting racial equality (Kleinpenning & Hagendoorn, 1993). Aversive racism might include a public acceptance of interracial dating in general, but a personal preference for only dating within one’s own race. This led us to our research question, which is, “Why are there differences between personal attitudes and general attitudes on interracial dating?” Personal attitudes would be whether people would date interracially themselves, and general attitudes would be whether the person thinks it is ok for other people to date interracially. Before discussing reasons for this difference, we first review research on the factors contributing to attitudes toward interracial …show more content…

Many positive outcomes. When dating inter racially, not only does the partner become more cultured but also the family. It becomes a family with various traditions and becomes more sociably acceptable of many other things. New ways of thinking become incorporated within the family and they become more open minded with not just the other race but many other races as well. The multi racial couple has been proven to overcome more challenges and difficulties among the average same race couple. But not only do these difficulties make the relationship stronger it also helps their children better understand every race socially and

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