
Interrogation Techniques And The Interrogation Technique

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Beginning the Interrogation The interrogator should enter the room, showing command, but not displaying ignorance; the suspect is more than likely already apprehensive, so there is no need to create anymore emotional barriers. The interrogation should begin with asking several “non-distressing” question, then depending on their response, the interrogator can decide on a specific interrogation technique to either exacerbate or calm the suspects anxiety (Holmes, 2002, p. 73). Depending on the suspect’s level of cooperation, some interrogators can accomplish this through friendliness, while others must resort to an authoritarian tactic and utilize a technique such as the Reid Nine-Step Process of Interrogation. As the title suggests this specific interrogation technique includes nine steps, which include: confrontation, theme development, stopping denials, overcoming objections, getting the suspects attention, suspect loses resolve, alternatives, bringing the suspect into the conversation, and a confession (Reid, 2014). Regardless of the chosen approach, the interrogator should begin with a formal introduction, show ID, state the purpose of the interrogation, and be sure to give the Miranda Warning in its entirety. After all, if the interrogator fails to properly follow protocol such accomplishments could useless and potentially be found inadmissible in court. As with an interview, the interrogator needs to be sure to not let the quest for a confession cloud their judgment,

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