
Intersectionality Reaction

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Intersectionality Reaction When I think of the TED talk on intersectionality I am reminded of expressions such as one size fits all and a universal fit. What these expressions try to accomplish never works out. Many subtle differences exist with fit and function. These uniform approaches dismiss uniqueness and beckon everything to fit the mold. Recognition of differences eliminates exclusion; molds might work for modeling plastic, but they are not appropriate for the complexity of people in American society. The government and media alike promote an agenda of dominance and likeness. If you do not fit the narrative, you take a back seat. For far too long men, specifically white men have dominated the scene. White men have created the …show more content…

Facing the challenges of overcoming racism and sexism are daunting. According to Pew Research Center, despite research and a consensus that women should have the same rights as men, gender inequality is still present (2010). Doubling down on the gender inequality are issues of race and viewpoints of position. Perceptions are Black have improved their position in society, but does that include black women? With all the media of attention of Black Lives Matter and hands up don’t shoot, the focus remains on actions committed against black men. I agree there little to no awareness for black women. I have not heard of any of the names or cases of brutality against black women discussed in Intersectionality. I try to remain aware of social issues and the heartbeats of movements, but the attention black women’s issues do not exist. Our male hegemony buried women’s issues for a longtime and buried black women’s issues even further. This extends to availably and context of black women in history. The nonmainstream history of women is a resounding echo chamber for the problems women, specifically black women face in a white male dominated America. Gender Histories have taught us of marginalization and annihilation of women’s contributions in western society. Their resounding fight against male dominated societies have not been inclusive of all …show more content…

Voting takes an eternity and our political system was designed for stability. Politicians are bought and paid for by their biggest donor. Ethics in government has died in the shadow of the dollar. Real change must be initiated by our citizens. An intellectual revolution needs to take a hold. We all have so much capability. Information floats at the tips of our fingers, we can easily access and learn the wrongs of the past and how to right the ship. Let’s not turn our backs on our history but own the behavior and stand for change. Spread activism through media platforms to attack and deny the existing power structure. If social media can overthrow a corrupt government, why cannot it be used right American culture’s wrongs? Black women need allies and partners to overcome contemporary

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