
Intersectionality Theory Essay

Decent Essays

Intersectionality Theory as a Methodological Tool
The field of public health is increasingly becoming aware of the concept of social determinants, and the influence they have on the health and wellbeing of individuals, communities and children. Jones et al. (2009) made a critical distinction between social determinants of health and social determinants of equity. Social determinants of health are environmental and social factors beyond the individual that have an impact on health outcomes; social determinants of equity refer to systems of power, that structures opportunities, distributes populations into social contexts, and assigns value based on social interpretations of phenotypes (Jones et al., 2009). Using the analogy of a cliff, Jones et al. (2009) illustrates how systems of oppression such as racism, sexism and heterosexism (social determinants of equity), structure inequitable access to care; and poverty (social determinants of health) determines poor health outcomes. For this reason, analysis of institutionalized structures that allow for differences in resource distribution (Jones et al., 2009), and the interconnectedness of these structures is …show more content…

How can intersectional women’s identities be mindfully incorporated into health care practice and/or research? Multiplicative? Additive?
2. Which approach — anticategorical complexity; intercategorical complexity; intracategorical complexity; or an alternative— is adopted in the understanding and use of analytical categories to explore intersectionality and lived experiences? (McCall, 2005).
3. Did the research design attempt to rank the participant’s a social identity, or present a social structure as more salient? (Bowleg, 2008).
4. Which identities and social structures should be focused on within women’s health care? Or is intersectionality truly an “anti-exclusion tool designed to describe the multiplier effect” (Nash, 2008, p.

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