
Intervention Strategies For Education- Micro

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CLEVELAND STATE UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SOCIAL WORK Three Years Intervention Strategy Plan-Anderson Regional School District __________________________________________ Patricia Bell Marileidy Fermin Terry Milligan Tony Morris Christina Paffilas June 27, 2015 SWK 650: Advanced Standing Seminar PROF. GEORGE S. TSAGARIS TABLE OF CONTENTS Intervention Strategies for Education- Micro 3 Intervention Strategies for Education- Mezzo 12 Intervention Strategies for Education- Macro 14 Appendices 18 References 19 Intervention Strategies for Education- Micro Problem The Johnson family has been referred to our agency to improve education level in both siblings who are part of this family which is composed by Ms. Johnson the mother and her two children Tony Johnson and Tiera Johnson. This family lives in Anderson Regional School District. The HOPE

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