
Interview Essay: Personal Identity

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Although people generate a separate profile for each individual they meet, sometimes the profiles are very different. In high school we befriend many persons of different races, personalities, as well as social groups, yet we tend to befriend very similar individuals. Very rarely do we realize that some people are actually more different than we know. Freshman year, I entered into a world all different than what I was used to, but yet I made two amazing friends. Jessica was different than the friends I had in middle school, but I was happy to make friends different than what I was used to. Amber on the other hand, was all too similar to the friends I had back in middle school. I was happy nonetheless to have some familiarity in a big new world called High school. Between them are many differences, but a few stand out from the others. College and work ethic, their personalities, and talents differ greatly. Work and education bring forward some attributes in people that are very different from others. Jessica and Amber are extremely different, especially in this way. Jessica loves to learn in general but does not like education. Jessica doesn’t look to books for her knowledge but acquires more common sense than most people I know. She has no plans on attending college any time soon but had rather enter …show more content…

Jessica and Amber’s talents put each of them into their own unique group. Jessica is what some people would consider talented but in some rather unusual ways. Jessica juggles random objects, not bowling pins, or balls. She juggles staplers, scissors, and even knives. Jessica is also a graffiti artist, but not the illegal kind. She graffiti’s on canvas and gives it to people as gifts. One of Jessica’s many talents, and her personal favorite, is she won an eating contest at a fair in 2012. She competed against three other men and won the trophy. Jessica has won four eating contests since

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