
Interview With A Interview With Grandparents

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For this interview, I decided to interview my grandma. Her name is Diane Smith, she is 74 years old and does not look it! She was recently widowed last year, yet they had many happy years together. They had two children together, my Uncle Dave and my mother, Cherie. I asked her what was the best thing about being her age and she the first thing she said was seeing her children and grandchildren grow up. She is enjoying seeing and interacting with her grandchildren in just the daily activities. Ever since she has moved from Wisconsin to Iowa about 3 years ago, she has been able to go to her grandchildren’s sporting events or birthday parties. Another great aspect that she mentioned was her senior discounts, she says she takes full advantage of those. The worst part about her age is arthritis. Arthritis makes her daily life just a little more challenging and harder to get up in the mornings. “Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints accompanied by pain, stiffness, and movements problems. This incurable disorder can affect hips, knees, ankles, fingers, and vertebrae.” (Santrock, 380). While she is a generally happy and content person, there are a few things that tend to occupy her mind. Since she has gotten older, she has had a harder time with small things. After the move to Iowa, she had become depressed and was feeling rather down. During this time, my mother would usually provide meals for her. She also would get meals from Meals on Wheels. She also requires help

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