
Intoxication: Cardiovascular Disease, Coronary Disease

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Intoxication is linked to the blood alcohol concentration of a person. Whereas, people lose their judgement, and control of their faculties when intoxicated, and this creates a dangerous atmosphere for themselves and society. These levels of intoxication are measured through the blood alcohol concentration or BAC, which accounts for the percentage of alcohol within a deciliter of blood. This measurement is effected by body weight, sex, and percentage of body fat as absorption within the blood stream may slow or be faster with these differing characteristics. When a BAC remains lower for extended periods of time a person will not be noticeably intoxicated and will continue drinking, in most cases, and this will impact the body in long-term …show more content…

When smoking a widespread cause of death comes from the coronary heart disease, which results from atherosclerosis. This builds fatty deposits called plaque upon the heart and makes inner walls of the arteries narrow and stiffen, and often completely blocks the flow of blood to a portion of the heart. Therefore, the smoking causes this disturbance as 50% of smokers have experienced an acceleration of plaque accumulation from the exposure. Then lung cancer increases from the daily intake of the dangerous chemicals because of the interactions within the body. Therefore, the more one smokes a day will impact the chance of cancer as demonstrated from studies that after a year of quitting smoking the risk of lung cancer and others greatly diminished. Finally, the chronic obstructive pulmonary disease that are obtained from the exposure of the dangerous chemicals and irritants in numerous cases, which forces the lungs to work harder. As a result, emphysema can develop and this makes the elasticity of air sacs diminish, thus ability to breathe in-and-out is harder. While chronic bronchitis will inflame the bronchial tubes and produce more mucus, and this creates a chronic cough and harder

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