
Intrinsic And Extrinsic Motivation

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How Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation for Employees Impacts the Customer Experience Motivation takes on many forms, even in the workplace. Employee satisfaction brought on by individualized motivation methods, produces a culture of growth and harmony. A residual benefit to intentionally and methodically motivating each employee, in the manner that generates the best productivity, is that it becomes a magnet for great customer experiences. Carol Sansone and Judith Harackiewicz (2000) summarize “Motivation thus energizes and guides behavior toward reaching a particular goal” (pg. 1). Employee satisfaction is often the foundation to a residual goal of customer satisfaction.
Customers reap the rewards of a company that generously supplies its team members with both intrinsic and extrinsic motivational techniques. The great rapport that is built between motivated employees and customers produces an experience that is meaningful to all involved.
Striving to create an atmosphere at work that facilitates the use of motivation takes intentional effort from all employees. However, the greatest burden rests upon the management sector, as they should lead the charge for employee satisfaction. Consequently, the management team must fully understand the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Christine Young (2017) defines intrinsic as, “the motivation to be involved in an activity for its own sake” and extrinsic as the “motivation to engage in an activity as a means

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