
Intro in 3rd Person

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Introduction in 3rd person Megan Norton’s Admittedly 3rd Person Biography Born and raised on the quiet streets of Findlay Ohio. Megan Norton is a daughter, a sister, a wife, a mother, and a student. Despite all of these there is not one that completely defines her. Free thinking and agnostic she believes that there is not one voice or personality that is her definite self. Although she doesn’t go so far to believe that the self is so flexible that a midget can become an Olympic pole vaulter, or a mentally retarded child will become Albert Einstein's successor. But, she does believe it is flexible enough that a hardened criminal can later become a successful teacher, lawyer or businessman, or a learning disabled child can become a …show more content…

However, she saw the Green Party as a bunch of hippies who just wanted pot legalized so that they could smoke weed all day. This wasn't her. She was looking for a party that supported fair treatment in terms of economics, the environment, gender and sexual orientation, and everything else. She then became aware that she had been a victim of a stereotype. That isn't to say that there aren't many Green Party supporters who are just

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