
Introduction to Literature

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Final Rough Draft Paper Comparisons of two stories

Eng 125: Introduction to Literature

“The Welcome Table” By Alice Walker/ “What its like to be a black girl” by Smith Both of these stories represent the African American woman who have been forced to face challenges of sexism, racism and stereotypes in the American life.

I will compare and contrast the similarities of both of these poems. I will also explain and give examples to show how these two poems exhibit different scenarios but similar …show more content…

She hopes just like we do that by changing the way we look we would be accepted into our society. The welcome table the old black women faces a similar situation. The black woman from the story thinks is there something wrong about being an old black woman is wrong in this time frame. The woman has told Jesus how she has cooked for them cleaned them, nursed them as white people but even though she has done all this good she was still not accepted into their society. The author Alice Walker goes in to great depth of how this old woman was portrayed to be. In the story the writer went into great detail of her teeth as being toothless. Her underarms smelling like decay and musk. And the furminating smell of onionskins and rotten greens. Alice Walker (1920)

The comparison from these two stories reflected that both writers used similar writing techniques such as the vivid details of the black women from both stories to covey there messages. The Welcome Table the author uses third person and also shifts the point of view of the story being told. The white peoples perspectives were telling the beginning of this story in perspective. The point of view constantly changing as there were various characters Smith also has used a similar literary style. She used her sentence structure. The women inside the church take the matter personnel so they want her out. She was ushered

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