
Inventions Of The Industrial Revolution

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The Industrial Revolution was an innovative period between the 1760s through the 1850s, making people go from a predominantly agricultural existence into a more urban lifestyle. Starting after year 1750, all the factors that, made Great Britain the best place for industrialization. The primary assessment that made it possible was the invention of machines that could do work that was previously done by hand. This allowed production to shift from inside homes into factories. During the industrial revolution, new inventions were plentiful and helped to 'revolutionize' the way in which people lived. The Steam engine, mass production/division of labor, mechanization, abundance of iron, and the telegraph made the Industrial Revolution …show more content…

Mass Production and Division of labor is a manufacturing system based upon principles such as interchangeable parts, large-scale productions, and the high volume assembly line. In the early 1800s, a man named Josiah Wedgwood started his own pottery business using mass production, they made pottery for Europeans who liked to always keep their tea from porcelain because without the pottery cups the flavor would spoil. He hired many labors to press down the clay, glaze pieces, carry things, while others put handles on cups. Mass Production adapted to make workers more productive using less required skills, while being paid less being able to lower costs of products while boosting quality. Mass Production and Division became the most important structure for manufacturing across the globe, utilizing extreme impact on popular culture.

Mechanization was a huge process, that changed work that was done before only by hands or animal's to doing work with new machinery. The cotton thread and weaving for cloth in the 1800s was a main product for these new machines, the cloth was much nicer, softer, and cleaner than any hand made clothing as said in the book “wealthy Europeans developed a liking for the costly import.” This quote shows that wealthy Europeans were itching for the newly designed products made by these machines. The people working in this industrial adapted well towards mechanization by being able to create more product faster, while being less stressed at work.

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