
Investigating The Relationship Between Motor Neurons And Their Associated Muscle 's Electrical Activity Via Neuromuscular Junctions

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The purpose of this lab is to evaluate the relationship between motor neurons and their associated muscle’s electrical activity via neuromuscular junctions through: determining the correlation between EMG (electromyogram) activity and muscle force, observing muscle fatigue, as well as calculating the conduction velocity associated with the Achilles tendon reflex arc. An additional purpose of this lab is to demonstrate the effects of arm circumference and relative dominance on muscle fatigue.

Hypothesis In the first experiment, as muscle force increases as induced by the subject, it is expected that the EMG activity will elevate likewise due to the directly proportional relationship between contraction strength and the muscle’s amount of electrical impulses. Additionally, it is expected that resistance to fatigue will increase with greater forearm circumference due to the greater amount of fatigue-resistant slow oxidative fibers. In the third section of this lab, it is anticipated that as path length of a particular reflex arc (in this case, the Achilles tendon reflex) increases, the overall conduction velocity will decrease due to the increased reflex time necessary for the impulse to be conducted up and down longer neurons.

Background For all aspects of this lab to be properly understood, the following principles and associated information of the following must be known: the relationship between nerves and their associated muscle(s), how electrical activity is

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