
Investigator Higgins Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Complainant Dusenberry further stated that Investigator Higgins did not interview Witnesses Marisol Molina, Bernadette Talamantez, or Gibert Acquilar. Instead, Investigator Higgins interviewed “people in Respondent Evers’ inner circle.” Who are Diana Chavez and Denise Boles. Complainant Dusenberry stated that Investigator Higgins interviewed people who would not know how she feels and about her harassment. In addition, Complainant Dusenberry stated that Investigator Higgins wrote that she [Complainant Dusenberry] stated that she accidentally deleted and email from Respondent Evers, when in fact, it was Respondent Evers who accidentally deleted information in an email that Complainant Dusenberry had sent.

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