
Invictus By Earnest Henley

Decent Essays

The poem “Invictus” by William Earnest Henley is a poem that the audience can easily relate to. Its talking about how they must overcome the trials that they have in life. “Invictus” is a lyrical poem containing four stanzas with the rhyme scheme: ABAB CHCH EFEF GBGB. This poem was written in the late 1800’s, but the meaning of this poem is everlasting and can be used even now in the present and the future. Which is why this is one of the most known poems in the literature world. The way Henley gets his outstanding message across in “Invictus” is portrayed through different elements of speech. He uses metaphors, imagery , and personification. This poem is centralized around the conquering of challenges that one will face without faltering when …show more content…

A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or a phrase is compared to an object or action that otherwise wouldn't be the same. In using metaphors this elevated the images and emotions that are described by the author. “Out of the night that covers me” (1) is the first metaphor that will be read in the poem. Night is represents the feeling of suffering and pain that the author is trying to describe during this poem. Also Night could be referring to the darkest part of the day which would be comparing night to the worst that is to come. The next example of a metaphor is in the third stanza. “Looms but the horror of the shade” (10). By saying that, shade is an unexpected life event. Shade could also be used to foreshadow the incidents that are to come. That will create a trail that one must overcome. The last example of a metaphor is also found in the third stanza. “And yet the menace of the years Finds, and shall find, me unafraid” (11,12). The term menace of the years signifies the coming of age. Then Henley states that he is not scared of the upcoming years. In the lines of “Invictus” he also helps the reader to visualize the emotions and pains that he is going through. Henley does a really good job of expressing the character trait of bravery. This relates to another figure of speech that he uses very well to help us and it is,

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