
Iphones: Should It Be Able To Control Personal Phones?

Decent Essays

The FBI has been trying to get Apple to create a script so iPhones can be accessed. The FBI put up a lawsuit against apple to try and get them to create a script on iPhones so they could access the phone of Syed Farook, who took place in the San Bernardino shooting. The FBI wanted a script that would get rid of the security feature that locks the iPhone after ten failed attempts. But, the lawsuit was dropped because the FBI found help from a “third party” organization. The FBI should not be able to access Personal iPhones without a warrant to search, because The fourth amendment makes it so that the government has to have a warrant if they want to search somebody. If the FBI forces Apple to create the script the security of the company will drop and will become more vulnerable. For example “They are asking Apple to remove security features and add a new ability to the …show more content…

This information is important because If Apple had to create the script, it would destroy their reputation with security. The script would make it so that anyone could plug your phone into a computer and insert thousands of passcodes’ at a time until they can unlock it. Making it so anyone who can grab your phone can access all of your personal information that the password encryption would originally protect. Creating the script could also affect Android phones because more people would be exploiting the apple operating systems and people would switch to android. They would then have to constantly do updates to keep up with the new hackers that used to target apple. Another example is “The order, if upheld, would create a workaround to encryption protections on iPhones ‘making its users more confidential and

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