
Essay on Ireland Strikes Back

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Ireland Strikes Back

A movement was started in Ireland to regain home rule. This movement was started in 1858 by a secret revolutionary society known as the Fenian Brotherhood. This group was created to help solve the crises of the potato famine, the poor government, and the ongoing problems with the church. Between the years of 1856 and 1870, the Fenians organized an uprising in Ireland with invasions in British cities and outbreaks in Canada (de Nie). The goal of this society was to achieve independence from England by using force. This revolution would be successful if certain groups in the society were strong. The Fenian Brotherhood started a movement that influenced Britain’s and the United States’ foreign and …show more content…

A generation of Catholic men of modest origins in society, succeeded in gathered a conspiracy to undermine the British rule in Ireland (Garvin 471). Those who rebelled wanted to conserve the social evils that generated the revolution to survive politically. Living in horrendous stress due to the economy, the Irish decided to act on their anger. Leaving during the famine 1 million people sought a new and richer life in the United States. While the economic depression was occurring another 2 million people left to seek this new life. With the mass emigration the culture of Ireland was deteriorating. James Stephens, the IRB (Irish Republican Brotherhood) leader of the 1860’s thought the famine also ruined the hope of an Irish political revolution. Patrick Pearse was afraid that if the nation died the Irish would turn away from their Gaelic traditions (Garvin 474).

Due to the poor law system, the Irish people weren’t pleased with their government and also with the trading system. With the bad economy the Irish thought that if they separated from Great Britain that they will achieve more as an independent country. The Irish Parliament, through corrupt practices, kept the British interest to unite Protestants and Catholics against the corrupt legislature. The British saw the inability of the people of Ireland to govern themselves when the Fenians requested for the Irish to govern themselves. The British Parliament looked down on the

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