
Ireland's Dramatic Change in Employment

Decent Essays

Over the last several years Ireland has experienced a dramatic change in employment. A quick study of the latest CSO “Employment and Unemployment” survey shows that jobs have been lost and gained, by sector of employment. Some sectors have seen job losses in the hundreds of thousands while other sectors have been slowly rising. The period from April 2007 to April 2013 some 266,000 jobs have been lost (CSO, 2013). The study suggests that the loss of jobs was greatest in the Construction and Industry sectors. While gains occurred in the Education, Information and Communications, and Human Health and Social Work sectors. These changes indicate that the tasks we associate with low skill and education are on the decline and the jobs that require a higher education level are on the rise [National Skills Bulletin, 2013, 28]. Due to this trend, subsidies in the Education sector should be increased to train and better equip the workforce. It would of a great benefit to the entire economy; increasing education may perhaps attract more business. Making the workforce more adaptable to change, giving people stability in their lives
Government subsidisation in Ireland appears to cover every sector from small farms to large multinational companies. They are given in various forms such as tax relief, single payments, grants, etc. These subsidies helped attract large multinational companies, maintained profitability for farmers and provided capital for start-up companies. However, tax

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