
Irony In A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings

Decent Essays

Another Plot Twister If all stories written and those untold were to be scattered across the globe and looked at, it would be evident that irony is present throughout our lives as it is present in these three pieces of writing. A small girl crouched in the corner of a darkened house sobs hysterically as people run screaming, she had got her birthday wish, she and her mother would be together forever, but the people had been running from her and she was now to live out eternity in the small house, the one she died in. A turn of events can be quite frightening or in some cases even comical, but what we know for sure is that these events can be categorized as examples of irony. Three short stories further elaborate on the power of irony: “Because My Father Always Said He Was The Only Indian Who Saw Jimi Hendrix Play ‘The Star Spangled Banner’ At Woodstock” by Sherman Alexie, “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings: A Tale for Children” by Gabriel …show more content…

Angels, one may think beauty, grace, sophistication, but Marquez introduces a dirty, clumsy little man whom appears to be an angel sent from above. “His pitiful condition of a drenched great-grandfather took away any sense of grandeur he might have had,” (Marquez 1) is how Marquez described him. This example of irony crisply denotes judging a book by it’s cover. Then, in addition to this, one may believe the family that found the angel would be greatful. Then sadly the writer must show the ungratefulness of the family who was brought prosperity by the angel. “With the money they saved they built a two-story mansion with balconies and gardens and high netting so the crabs wouldn’t get in during the winter, and with iron bars on the windows so that angels wouldn’t get in,”(Marquez 3) stated Marquez. This might be considered odd or even rude, but Marquez uses it to his advantage to show

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