
Irony In 'Anthem For Doomed Youth' By Wilfred Owen

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1. Brief introduction
“Anthem for Doomed Youth” is a sonnet written by Wilfred Owen during the World War I. It is a traditional war poetry which builds a contrast between the mourning rituals and the brutal warfare. The writer shows his hatred to the warfare and sympathy to the soldiers who dead during the unjust war.

“The Diameter of the Bomb” is written by Yehuda Amichai who is an Israel modern poet. The poetry is written in the dispassionate view by describing the physical capacity of the bomb and the much larger emotional and spiritual impact it can bring to the human beings. The writer shows

2. The attitude of the writers and how it is conveyed in the poem
Antiwar is the main idea of the writers of both two poems. The warfare which caused by human also brings many disasters back to the human world. It caused thousands of youngsters’ death and separations of thousands of families. Even god and belief cannot save the soldiers’ lives, so both two writers writes how terrible the wars are and how big effects the wars can bring to people’s minds. They try to appeal to stop the wars by writing these anti-war poetries. Several literary techniques are used in the poetry to emphasize their attitudes.

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Irony and contrast:
In the Anthem of Doomed Youth, the irony is used to make the title as the meaning of the “anthem” is the same as the paean, but it may mean the elegy here. We cannot find any words about praise in this poetry, so the use of irony here emphasizes the writer’s sarcasm and anti about the warfare.

“No mockeries now for them; no prayers nor bells” suggests that even religions cannot save the soldiers’ lives. It presents the bitter irony of the terrible costs and brutal realities of warfare in contrast to the incapability and complex funeral ceremony. Even the largest funeral ceremony cannot save the soldiers’ lives. The attitude of antiwar can be found through the use of irony and

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