
How Does Twain Use Irony In Huck Finn

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After abandoning a wrecked ship and leaving a gang of murderers stranded, Huck thinks back on what he has done, and how he feels wrong. Mark Twain criticizes the way people think about others only after they have taken care of themselves. Only after saving himself and making sure he was ok, does Huck begin to take others’ well being into consideration. Mark Twain shows the irony in this as Huck went to great lengths to put the gang of criminals in the position they were in, only to feel pity for them afterwards. This has always been apart of human behavior, and Twain sets out to satirize this innate quality in people through the use of irony. By using the phrase, “even for murderers” Twain shows that people are able to feel pity and remorse for anyone, yet, it is often too late when people realize what they have done. This is one of Twain’s more subtle critiques in the way society functions, yet it is still an important critique. Instead of think of other people after the fact, Twain …show more content…

In order to justify it, Huck merely brushes off what he did, blaming it on the way he was brought up. Twain criticizes another form of mob mentality through this quote, in that people often believe that they cannot change themselves due to the way in which they were raised. Many people from the time period would often stay in the same class as they were born into, simply just accepting the fact that they could do nothing about it. While huck may seem serious about what he is saying in the book, Twain’s approach to the situation seems to be sarcastic, as he criticises how society does not challenge how things are. Instead, the status quo seem to simply accept where they are in life and just live. Twain tries to satirize and bring attention to the problem of acceptance within social status, and thus, reveal that any person can take their life into their own hands if they truly want

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