
Irony in Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour Essays

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Irony in Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour

A very dull and boring story can be made into a great story simply by adding in something that is unexpected to happen. When the unexpected is used in literature it is known as irony. An author uses irony to shock the reader by adding a twist to the story. The author of “The Story of an Hour” is Kate Chopin. Her use of irony in the story is incredibly done more than once. Irony is thinking or believing some event will happen but in return the unexpected or opposite occurs. Kate Chopin uses two types of irony in this short story. Situational irony refers to the opposite of what is supposed to happen, and dramatic irony occurs when the audience or reader knows something that the rest of the …show more content…

Then the best usage of irony occurs. The reader sees the first reaction of Mrs. Mallard’s husbands death. Josephine would tell her the news and Mrs. Mallard takes it pretty hard. The author Kate Chopin lets us know that she seems to take Brently Mallards death pretty hard by the words “She wept at once, with sudden, wild abandonment, in her sister’s arms.” (157) They see that she is weeping and she wants to be alone because she storms off to her room alone. (157) But then the reader reads “But now there was a dull stare in her eyes, whose gaze was fixed away off yonder on one of those patches of blue sky. It was not a glance of reflection, but rather indicated a suspension of intelligent thought.” (157) This is telling the reader that Mrs. Mallard feels something that is coming to her. Then Mrs. Mallard says softly “free, free, free!” (157) This event could be both dramatic and situational. It could be dramatic because only the reader or audience knows the true feelings Mrs. Mallard has for her husband, while all of the characters are not in the room with her and do not know her true feelings. This excerpt of the small story could also be situational because most people would think that when a spouse would die, there would be grief and pain felt rather than joy of being free from her husband. Only the reader knows that this is not the case for Mrs. Mallard because she is feeling freedom and has her own soul back which

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