
Is Abortion A Bad Thing? Essay

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Abortion, a strong word that has multiple meanings. In a room full of people when this word is mentioned it quickly brings attention to the speaker. Different opinions and different beliefs is something that will always be a problem when it comes to this topic. Although many people believe abortion is a bad thing, there will always be the other half of the people that believe abortion isn’t good, but it might be the safest way to go. In addition more than 750,000 teenagers become pregnant every year. These young girls clearly have no idea how to take care of themselves, so to think they would have to take care of a baby is insane. We believe that teenage girls who want to get an abortion have every right to without parental consent.
Whether a young girl is 16 or 21 they should know what they are doing and getting themselves into the minute they get pregnant. Furthermore, abortions will continue to happen with or without parental consent, young girls deserve to do what they desire with their body. In the end whether someone convinces a young teenager to not get an abortion or to go through with it, they will not help or support them in anyway. Among the same lines, having an abortion can be the best way to go in many occasions. Although many people disagree with abortions they don’t realize the consequences that having an unwanted baby may bring.
March 3, 1970, in support of abortion legal organization support, the pseudonym "Jane Roy" (JaneRoe) McCaw lie to himself by the

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