
Is African Witchcraft a Cure or Curse to Zambian Society?

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Q. Is African Witchcraft a Cure or Curse to Zambian Society? In remote parts of Zambia when people get sick, instead of being taken to a medically trained doctor, their family takes them to a witch doctor with "magical powers". These families often believe an evil spirit has put a curse on the sick family member. Such superstitious thoughts are not uncommon in Zambia. Witchcraft has a long history in Zambia and even today people turn to such practices. In the bush, a witch doctor is sometimes the only medical practitioner available. In addition to curing a host of metaphysical ailments, they assist in childbirth, tooth extraction, and medical emergencies. When their attempt to heal fails, they often blame failure on the displeasure of the gods or on the unworthiness of the patient. In this way, they are able to maintain their stature, even though their treatments are often unsuccessful. People say that becoming rich requires sacrifice, like losing that special time with your kids and grandkids. One African man seemed to have taken this truism to the extreme. Chamangeni Zulu, a man in his twenties and a native of neighboring Malawi came to Zambia in the hopes of getting rich. After meeting some local business types, who recommended losing a few body parts to get rich he met with the local witch doctor. Following the witch doctor's instructions, he went to a bush where he stood unclothed and a hyena approached him, started eating his toes and eventually mauled his

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