
Is America A Good Thing Or A Bad Thing?

Good Essays

America the country that is the modern day promise land to some people. The country that is built on dreams, hard work and quality. People come here to enjoy the main freedoms that this country offers that their country doesn’t offer them. I think that with these freedoms people can get carried away sometimes, just like with any good thing. Everyone knows that too much of a good thing can be a bad thing and bad things are seen as problems. One of those bad things would have to be fast food in this country, which is something all too many people enjoy. So how can something that so many people like, be bad?

Over the years fast food is something that has been a growing industry in this nation. The problem with fast food is that it tends to …show more content…

I do think that we are supposed to grow, but as a nation and not and physical size. There have been many people who have tried to do things to help make people eat healthier like Michelle Obama. She made school lunches healthier for kids. In theory, it is a good idea, but you also have to remember you can’t help people that don't want to be helped. People like having that freedom to choose what they want to eat and when you take that away people start to have problems with that. So I honestly am not sure if there is a solution to this problem. It’s kind of hard to tell people that they can’t eat certain foods because that takes away their rights of freedom, which is a violation of the Constitution. There might other possible …show more content…

When you make food healthier it might not appeal as much to the public, so the fast food restaurants will start to lose money. The honest truth is that most fast food places aren’t really concerned with your health, they are concerned about their money and what will make them the most money. So that’s why I say that there isn’t a high chance that fat food chains will start to sell healthier food. You could approach this problem from a different perspective and you could say just shut down all the fast food chains in America to get rid of our obesity problem. But you run into a problem there because you can't just tell a company that they can’t sell their products because that infringes on certain rights that Americans have. Plus you also have to think about the consequences of doing that. Millions of Americans all over the country will have lost their job if fast food restaurants no longer exist. Then you also have to think about the people who will protest because yet again that is another right that Americans have. The people who were fired will protest along with the people who no longer have their favorite fast food restaurant to go to. So the solution to this problem is practically

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