
Is Digital Language A Fixed Language?

Good Essays

“People think that digital language is a fixed language, but it’s not: it’s very fluid” ,
This theme closely reflects the career of Neville Brody, with his fluid like versatility in his work; he can almost turn his hand to any design challenge.

From the start of his career he pushed the limits. Almost being expelled from the London College of Printing when he designed a postage stamp with Queen Elizabeth’s head turned sideways. Growing up in Southgate, North London he said, “I was apparently drawing before I was walking, and that is something that has stayed with me ever since”. From an early age his ambition was to be an artist and chose to enroll on a Fine Art foundation course at Hornsey College of Art in 1975.

The Fine Art world felt too elitist to him; therefore he changed his attention to Graphic Design. “I wanted to communicate to as many people as possible, but also to make a popular form of art that was more personal and less manipulative.” However after his three-year degree course at the London College of Printing, they failed him for his branded work for not being commercial. He found the atmosphere of the college and the attitude of the tutors dull and inhibiting, the college was more interested in creating traditional art directors. During this Brody was studying in the punk era, and the area in which he was located was hugely affected. There were unruly children and adults; rise of unemployment, strikes, and many people living on the dole. This

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