
Is Hamlet Acting Crazy Essay

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Insanely Good Actor?

Hamlet is not actually insane, he is just acting crazy. This can be proved in a couple of ways, for example when he comes up with plans and notices his surroundings, other people being able to see the ghost of his father, and lastly is his relationship with Ophelia. These are some of examples to prove that he's just acting crazy.
The first proof of his acting and him being sane is that he tells Horatio what he is going to do to get revenge. That is when Hamlet comes up with his plan was his plan of acting crazy so he doesn't look suspicious.
“Hamlet- There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
But come!
Here, as before, never, so help you mercy,
How strange or odd soe'er I bear myself
(As I perchance hereafter shall think meet
To put an antic disposition on)” (1.5 919-925)
This shows that this has been his plan act insane so that people don't ask why he's going around the castle looking for evidence from when Claudius …show more content…

This because of all the true emotion that he shows to her and what happens between them. He never wanted his acting to get in their way but as much as he wanted to he couldn’t trust her to not tell her father anything. He proves this by showing emotion when they broke up before he heard Claudius and Polonius. Also he shows it when he gets back from his trip to England and finds out she has died. This is the most emotional he gets due to him never wanting to hurt her and now he feels responsible for her death. Hamlet expresses his love to her by saying this to Laertes.“I lov'd Ophelia. Forty thousand brothers, Could not, Make up my sum. What wilt thou do for her?” (5.1 3613-3615) Hamlet is stating that he loved her more than her brother did by forty thousand. This is because he wants to show that even know all of the drama went down between the two of them he still has a place for her in his

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