
Is Johnny A Hero

Satisfactory Essays

I think johnny is the hero because he saved all of those kids who he could have let them die but he didn’t he sacrificed his life to save their lives but he did because he didn’t want them to die but it ended up backfiring on him and since he broke his back in the church it caused him to to stay in the hospital and he died after the rumble when they were visiting him but ponyboy is a hero to because he helped the kids to but he just got a big bruise on his back he did not end up like johnny did but he was sick all ready and and he also went and participated in the rumble and he has had the roughest week of his life ever and two of his friend have died. And they live as greasers which makes it harder for them to live because they get mugged almost all of the time because the socs think they are better than the greasers because they are richer than all of the greasers and they think they can just boss them around they can’t the greasers will beat them up so the socs.

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