
Is Macbeth A Noble Man

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Duncan seems to be a noble man. He is the king, and is praised upon by everybody. He is nice and kind to everybody in the town. He awards Macbeth the Thane of Cawdor. “So hail, thane of Cawdor!” (Act 1, Scene 3) He makes everybody’s day worth living. Lady Macbeth wants him dead so Macbeth can become the king. Macbeth doesn’t know if he wants this to happen or if he wants natural things take course and him become king that way. Duncan does not know of any of these plans being made behind his back. Duncan is a very good king. He awards people things they deserve, but seems to be a little greedy when it comes to some people. He seems to judge everybody equally. He does not seem to judge upon just one person. Duncan appoints Macbeth high level

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