
Is Marriage Still Relevant?

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Is Marriage Still Relevant?
Many things have changed over the course of time. Change ranges from what people wear to how people talk. Change in inevitable, but one of the largest changes is the relevancy of marriage. Marriage has changed greatly over time, the help of many outside influences. Due to the changes of culture and influences, the institution or act of marriage is irrelevant because, marriage is no longer needed to classify gender roles, it is no longer needed for some legal rights, it’s not viewed as a binding contract. Marriage is no longer needed to classify gender roles, as it did say fifty years ago. Women, specifically, have become more independent over the times; they work more than before. In an article written by Kristi Williams, she argues how the so called “Future Marriage” has arrived. Williams talks about how women have more opportunities and socially acceptable goals that do not require marriage (471). Williams talks about how times have changed and allowed for more single moms to work and achieve goals, and how marriage in not seen as necessity for these things. Women started working more during the WWII era of time, and have slowly grown into making a large percentage of the workforce. They are able to work and not need a husband in order to have a job. In addition to not needing gender roles in a marriage, there is no longer a so called “Head of household”. Think about how in earlier generations head of household was generally the husband. Today

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