
Is Mexico A Beautiful Country?

Decent Essays

Mexico is a beautiful country with its many cultural aspects and tourist attractions. However, in recent years, the things being associated with Mexico include death, violence, drugs, and corruption. It seems that more and more news reports keep appearing of tragedies occurring in Mexico. Recently, one tragedy that has caused great protest is the disappearance of forty-three students in September 2014 from Guerrero. Sadly, this is not the first case of mass disappearances in Mexico. This case also includes a large amount of confusion as to what actually happened that night. To this day, people are still wondering who these forty-three students are, what actually happened that night, and they continue to show there support for Mexico after these disappearances caused great impact across the world. Tragedy struck Mexico the day that these students disappeared. They disappeared from Guerrero, Mexico on September 26, 2014. These forty-three students came from an all male school in Ayotzinapa. They are described as being, “in their late teens and early twenties, tend to come from poor, indigenous campesino families” (Goldman). These students were trying to better their lives instead of having to following in the steps of their family. Instead of working on farms, they wanted to go to school and become teachers so they could help improve the lives of their families and future generations of students who they would eventually teach if this tragedy had not occurred. The school

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