
Mexican Women

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Mexican women’s right Mexican women’s lives — their family life, their work, their educational opportunities, the health care they can expect, their social standing, political participation and especially their right — have changed over these hundred years. It was the fact that in the past, Mexican women were very sweet but passive and powerless human beings. Their lives revolved around home and family, and they were much subordinated to men as a famous Spanish proverb states, "El hombre en la calle, la mujer en la casa," which means, "men in the street and women at home". Mexican government has not haven good system to help protect women’s rights. Women in Mexico don’t have the same rights as men to keep their jobs. Violence against women …show more content…

In Mexico, violence affects a significant number of women. As of 2014, Mexico has the 16th highest female homicide rate in the world. In the study about women victims of intimate partner violence in Mexico, Frías and Agoff states
According to data from the 2006 National Survey on the Dynamics of Household Relationships (Encuesta Nacional sobre la Dinámica de las Relaciones en los Hogares,ENDIREH), 10.72 % of Mexican women who are currently married, cohabiting, separated, or divorced have been subject- ed to sexual intimate partner violence (IPV), and 23.72 % have experienced physical violence at the hands of their cur- rent or previous partner….[However], women’s reactions and strategies for seeking help (or not) from public institutions and social networks have not received the same degree of attention” (Frías and Carolina Agoff, 2015).
The militarization of Mexico has brought with it increased incidence of rape by military and police personnel. In addition, the growing influence of organized crime has caused increasing concerns about human trafficking, mainly women and children. Therefore, Mexican government needs to design public policies aimed at providing better assistance and prevention for women violence victims. Also, Mexican women who suffer IPV need to be provided adequate …show more content…

Mexican laws do not adequately protect women and girls against domestic and sexual violence. Some provisions, including those that make the severity of punishments for some sexual offenses contingent upon the “chastity” of the victim, contradict international standards. There are inequities imposed by law or policy in Mexico, gender inequalities perpetuated by social structures and Mexican cultural expectations limit the capabilities of Mexican women. Also, Mexican women’s voting right is not respected. Therefore, Mexican government to protect women from increasing levels of violence and discrimination and ensure that these crimes are investigated and those responsible brought to justice. Besides, governemt need to stipulated equal rights to wages and to work for men and women, plus certain protections for women workers who were pregnant, and help women to perform their voting

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