
Is Money For The People?

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Money For the People In a world that is finally realizing its need to change in order to survive, cleaner energy sources will be the people 's guide. For the good of a nation, the people must change their ways in order to keep a clean planet. The government provides incentives for those who can afford renewable energy sources, but the ones who truly need these incentives are the low-income and minorities. Although solar panels are seen as costly and useless in the night, the Low Income Solar Act of 2015 (LISA) would grant and loan money for low income families while simultaneously connecting the panels onto an electric grid or into an energy storage device providing them with clean energy during the night. Although the initial costs of solar panels may seem daunting, when payback time rolls around years down the road, people would end up saving thousands of dollars. Residential solar systems are typically sized from 3 to 8kW and end up costing somewhere between $15,000 and $40,000 because of the solar panels, balance of systems, labor, permits and inspections fees, and operational costs (Maehlum 1). According to the US Department of Energy, most solar systems pay for themselves within five years. In some states, the payback time can be as little as three years (Maehlum 6). In 28 years, one could save from $15,000 to $64,000 over the course of twenty years depending on where one lives (Maehlum 5). Even in places that aren 't particularly sunny, financial incentives are set

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