
Is Multiculturalism Better Than Assimilation?

Decent Essays

Topic of the essay tells for itself what I am going to discuss. Let’s clarify main points: what stands for multiculturalism and what is “Baku Process”.

For me, Encyclopedia Britannica provides the best theoretical definition for multiculturalism. It is the view that cultures, races, and ethnicities, particularly those of minority groups, deserve special acknowledgement of their differences within a dominant political culture. Essentially multiculturalism is merely a reference to people living in the same area but having some differing beliefs and ways of living. We can equate the concept of multiculturalism with the concept of cultural diversity.

The preservation of different cultures or cultural identities within any unified society, as …show more content…

There is more multiculturalism today than in the past. As long as there continues to be different world cultures, there continues to be multiculturalism. It is the only way to attain world peace. As I wrote in my application human societies and cultures are inextricably connected and we should strive to gain Unity through Diversity. Multiculturalism implies that there is a connection and appreciation between different cultures. We as government as society should withstand the pressures to assimilate into a dominant culture, because assimilation is too forceful and too abrupt against your chosen culture and beliefs. That is why, I truly believe multiculturalism in societies fosters understanding among people of different ethnical and cultural backgrounds. I am stating that multiculturalism is better than assimilation because it makes a countries quality of life …show more content…

I take this position based on my personal opinion that there is a power in plurality. “Two heads are better than one”, - says folk idiom. To solve a problem we need people with different perspectives. We need people to come together and work for the common good, and it can be achieved only on mutual respect. Multiculturalism makes a country more unique and diverse. A country made up of many different cultures, accepting and respecting each other, is going to unite and withstand problems more successfully. Opponents of this idea can say that multiculturalism has the unintended consequence of separating and dividing people by undermining the national cohesion of the country, creating separate alienated populations with conflicting values and loyalties. But this only means that they do not understand the meaning of this phenomena. Forced assimilation into another group/religion/culture would not provide better protection of individual rights because it has already violated rights in root on self-determination. On the contrary, where multicultural policy has been introduced, racial, religious, and other tensions or conflicts find solutions. That is why, creating a multicultural society is critical to global peace and

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