
Is Oedipus Rex A High Minded Man?

Decent Essays

Martin 1

Olivia Martin
Mr. Lillie
Humanities A/ Period 2
11 October, 2014
Does Oedipus fit the qualities of a high­minded man?

In Greek society entertainment, like the theatre, was an enormous part of many lives.
Theatre represented a culture and values found in Greek society. Theatre was also a way for many different of people to enjoy similar things, despite being from different classes.
Rex was one of the major plays shown in Greek society. Sophocles’ Oedipus Rex tells the hardship of a man named Oedipus, the King of Thebes, and his conquest to defy his destiny. Yet despite his hardship, he still represents some of the qualities …show more content…

This passage is about how the priest is telling the story of Oedipus, and how he overthrows the
Sphinx. Oedipus helps the lives of many by taking out the Sphinx, this act causes many to see him as a hero who leads and seeks out honour. This honour Oedipus gains is from a great act of bravery. Oedipus’ act of heroism was done for honour. The honour he earned is similar to how

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