
Is Ponyboy A Hero's?

Satisfactory Essays

I believe the greasers are hero’s because Ponyboy is brave, he would do anything he can to help the ones he loves and had no fear by running into the burning church and saving those kids lives [ chapter 6 page 91 ]
Sodapop is a hero because he is always out to protect his brothers, even if it is the superman himself. Soda has also gone through huge life changing events for just a teenager.
Darry’s a hero because he took the role as his brothers father cared for them, fed them, and loved them.
Steve is Sodapop’s best friend and they work together to make a living, at the DX gas station.
Johnny is caring and loving towards his family [ sodapop, Darry etc..] he had a horrible relationship to his real family but has lived through it and it hasn’t

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