
Is Romeo To Blame For Romeo And Juliet's Death?

Satisfactory Essays

In the play, Romeo & Juliet, Romeo is to blame for his and Juliet’s death because he wasn’t supposed to go to the Capulet’s party. He got Mercutio killed then he killed Tybalt. Then he thought Juliet was dead so he killed himself causing her to also kill herself. First off if Romeo and his friend didn't sneak into the Capulet’s party Romeo would've never met Juliet and fell in love. At the party Tybalt found out he was a Montague making him mad and wanting to challenge Romeo.

During the fight Tybalt and Mercutio were fighting Romeo tried to break it up while breaking up the fight Mercutio got stabbed by Tybalt killing him and Tybalt left. Later on Romeo killed Tybalt for killing Mercutio which causes Romeo to be exiled from Verona. Because

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