
Is Segregation Good Or Bad Essay

Decent Essays

Is segregation bad or is it good? Segregation is when someone is being seperated from others by color of their skin. Segregation in the U.S started right after the Civil War and continued until 1956. Personally, Segregation is bad because it is racist and it’s unconstitutional. Segregation is terrible because it is racist. Racism is when one race is better than another. In Source one it states,” Jim crow laws also led to the disenfranchisement of African- American voters.” This means that people started to make voting for African-Americans a long and tedious process. It’s shows that people are making it easy for white people and not African-Americans. (That is racist.) The text also states,”When the black students know as the “Little Rock Nine” attempted to enter Central High School, segregationist threatened to hold protests and block the students from entering” (Source 2). This means that people are trying to make going to school tough, just because they are African-American. It shows that it isn’t easy for African- Americans but, it is easy for white people. Racism is unacceptable, and in some cases it could be against the law. …show more content…

“All Persons born or naturalized in the U.S are citizens… no state can deprive any person of life, liberty, and property, without due process,” (Source 3). This means that no matter what the color of your skin is, you have natural born rights. This supports that it’s bad because many white people don’t allow African-Americans to have Liberty or Property. “Representative shall be apportioned among the several states according to their respective numbers,” (Source 3). This means that no matter the color of your skin, you can be a senator by winning the most votes. This supports that if an African-American is removed from his/her position can’t be according to law. This is true but, may say that White people founded

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