
Is Shakespeare's Macbeth A Good Leader?

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Macbeth, written by William Shakespeare in 1696, is about a noble soldier named Macbeth. He receives a prophecy from the wëird sisters that he will be the king of Scotland one day. Overcome with ambition, he decides to take matters into his own hands. It is the story of how Macbeth goes from being a brave and loyal subject to a cruel tyrant. A king is believed to be chosen as God’s deputy on earth. He is divine and Holy, loyal and honest, noble and honorable . King Duncan was the embodiment of a good and true monarch, whilst Macbeth was quite the opposite. Duncan typifies a strong leader because he is gracious, selfless and remorseful.
Duncan always carries himself with Grace. He is always dignified and keeps his composure. He has never come out of character, but Macbeth on the other hand, has had many sudden outbursts. Macbeth has an episode and envisions Banquo’s bloody body. His guests could see that “…his highness is not well.”(III.iv.52). Macbeth has had many outbursts similar to the one he had on his dinner with the Lord’s. He has shown people that he can be weak or vulnerable. Duncan is a good leader …show more content…

Lady Macduff and her children were blameless, but were still murdered anyway because of Macbeth. The witches inform Macbeth that Macduff is a threat to him. Macduff is in England, and Macbeth decides to “…give th’edge o’th’sword his wife, his babes, and all unfortunate souls…”(IV.ii.150-151). Because Macbeth feels threatened, he kills Macduff’s innocent family. This shows that he has no mercy. Duncan never murdered or harmed innocent people. Many pure people were wounded because of Macbeth. King Duncan is “…so clear in his great office, that his virtues will pleas like angels…”(I.vii.19). Duncan never did anything morally wrong during his reign. Unlike Macbeth, Duncan was remorseful and did not harm blameless people. This is why Duncan is a better leader than

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