
Is The American Dream Dead?

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In the United States of America, children and students learn that we are a nation of “freedom” and that our homeland is the “land of opportunity.” While the rest of the world can’t say the same, America is different in this regard. This teaching aspect raises the question that do Americans truly have freedom or liberty to have the opportunity to choose our destiny? The freedom and opportunity to have the right of attending school, college, having a job or career, or even deciding what we want to do with our life revolves around our choices. The illusion that Americans are truly “free” or the idea that we have the “opportunity” to do whatever we choose is just a false belief blockaded by the advancements of society.
The once so-called …show more content…

To avoid from getting into a political discussion, the significant reinforcement of such a comment from Mr. Trump is due in part of his affiliation with the Republican Party. His affiliation with such a party contributes to his remarks because, for the past eight years, the United States’ control existed under a President from the Democratic Party. Due to Mr. Trump criticizing that the American Dream is dead while individuals who associate themselves with the Democratic Party believe that it is still alive and well, the term “opportunity” grants two entirely different meanings. In turn, if someone believes a certain way, the idea that there are more opportunities just waiting to come out are their disputes with the belief that there are no more opportunities and that they dead exemplify the two meanings of the word entirely.
While individuals from different races, states, social classes, etc. All debate about the American Dream and its opportunities, the discussion about the exact definition as to what the American Dream remains silent. “The ideals of freedom, equality, and opportunity traditionally held to be available to every American.” ( That quote is the official definition of the American Dream. However, while individuals would prefer to bicker and debate how to carry out the American Dream, they fail to realize just exactly what it is. In politics, Democrats and Republicans hail their ways and versions as to achieve the American Dream

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