
Is The Great Gatsby Truly Great

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Greatness can be defined in many ways. Greatness as something in terms of size , a describing word to distinguish something as smart, thought out, something better than average. Some may say that Gatsby in the Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald is a truly great character meaning better than the average person. However, there are many reason to say he is not truly great. He has holes in his character like how he treats Daisy as a trophy or prize , he only uses Nick Carraway to get to Daisy, and he is immoral. Therefore, Jay Gatsby is not truly great. Jay Gatsby throughout the entire novel tries to get into a relationship with Daisy. He see’s her as a reward for being apart so long thinking they are still madly in love. Nick tries to understand …show more content…

We know as the reader that Gatsby lives in West Egg where the old money is. This is that area that the older crowd and the not so legal side of making money is from. Some of the rumors about Gatsby and how he got his money were true. Said by Tom Buchanan “ ‘He and Wolfsheim bought up a lot of side-street drug-stores here and in Chicago and sold grain alcohol over the counter. That’s one of his little stunts.’”(Fitzgerald 133). Even though he knew it was illegal to sell alcohol he consciously knew he was doing wrong. Gatsby also used Tom's friend to save himself from jail. This is an immoral act to do for a person who should have morals.” ‘And you left him in the lurch, didn’t you? You let him go to jail for a month over in New Jersey. God! You ought to hear Walter on the subject of you.’”(Fitzgerald 134). Gatsby didn’t care at all about this guy. He willing to put him in jail, while a person with good morals would feel bad about doing this to an innocent guy. Gatsby also didn’t feel bad about killing Myrtle either. All he cared about was Daisy at that point in time. ” ‘Was she killed?’ ‘Yes’ ‘I thought so; I told Daisy I thought so. It’s better that the shock should all come at once. She stood pretty well’ He Spoke as Daisy’s reaction was the only thing that mattered.”(Fitzgerald 143). Any sane person would freak out about hit a person with a car let alone killing them without checking. Therefore, Gatsby is

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