
Ishmael Takeaways

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The main takeaway from Ishmael by Daniel Quinn is the way Ishmael portrayed Takers in relation to the peacekeeping law and how he uses the Taker Thunderbolt analogy to show human ignorance towards this law. Ishmael describes the peacekeeping law as “... the law that keeps the community from turning into the howling chaos the Takers imagine it to be. It’s the law that fosters life for all…” (Quinn, 124) According to Ishmael, the Takers could not act in accordance with the law because they did not know such a law existed, much like how the airman in the Taker Thunderbolt did not realize that he was falling instead of flying. This is shown in the book when Ishmael says, “They don’t know such a law even exists, but this ignorance affords them

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