
Islam, Christianity, Religion, And Religion In South Africa

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Religion in South Africa
Through the many years, there has been a surplus of different religions in South Africa. The main religions that are practiced in Southern Africa are Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, Judaism, and the Traditional African religion. All of these religions were brought by foreigners. South Africa is called the Rainbow Nation because of the variety of people, cultures, and religions.

What is Hinduism? Hinduism is the dominant religion of India that emphasizes dharma with its resulting ritual and social observances and often mystical contemplation and ascetic practices. Hindus believe in a Supreme Being. They believe that everything comes from God and that he is the root of a tree, while the rest of the world is the branches and leaves of the tree. (2011) When indentured servants from India worked for farmers. They usually had 4-year contracts and when those were over they could go back to India or stay in South Africa. 1.2% of the population is Hindu. Currently, there are 6 Hindu Temples in South Africa.

Although the Islam Religion was in Africa, it was only a minor religion. Only 1.5% of the people practice it. What is the Islam Religion? The Islam Religion is the religious faith of Muslims including belief in Allah as the sole deity and in Muhammad as his prophet. There were two types of Muslims that brought the religion to Africa. Merchants/Traders and immigrants. The merchants and traders, also known as “Passenger Indians”, arrived from North India

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