
Islamic And Islamic Architecture: Islamic Art And Architecture

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Islamic art
The term Islamic art describes both the art created specifically to serve the Muslims desires and characterizes the art and architecture historically produced in the lands ruled by Muslims, produced for Muslim patrons, or created by
Muslim artists. Hence, it is not only a religion but a way of life, Islam fostered the development of a distinctive culture with its own unique artistic language that is reflected in art and architecture throughout the Muslim world. After the muslims have conquered many cities they were affected by their artistic style like Byzantine or Sassanian patronage styles[1]. The art of the Ottomans At the time of its foundation in the early fourteenth century, the Osmanli or Ottoman state was one among many …show more content…

The Blue Mosque Sultan Ahmed Mosque (Blue Mosque) was constructed by Sedefkar Mehmed Agha on the orders of Sultan
Ahmed I.After the Peace of Zsitvatorok and the crushing loss in the 1603–1618 war with Persia, Sultan Ahmet I, decided to build a large mosque in Istanbul to reassert Ottoman power. It would be the first imperial mosque for more than forty years. While his predecessors had paid for their mosques with the spoils of war, Ahmet I procured funds from the
Treasury, because he had not gained remarkable victories.It caused the anger of the ulema, the Muslim jurists. The mosque was built on the site of the palace of the Byzantine emperors, in front of the basilica Hagia Sophia (at that time, the primary imperial mosque in Istanbul) and the hippodrome, a site of significant symbolic meaning as it dominated the city skyline from the south. Big parts of the south shore of the mosque rest on the foundations, the vaults of the old Grand …show more content…

The Sultan Ahmed Mosque has five main domes, six minarets, and eight secondary domes. The design is the culmination of two centuries of Ottoman mosque development. It incorporates some
Byzantine Christian elements of the neighboring Hagia Sophia with traditional Islamic architecture and is considered to be the last great mosque of the classical period. The architect, Sedefkâr Mehmed Ağa, synthesized the ideas of his master
Sinan, aiming for overwhelming size, majesty and splendour.[4]. The following materials were used: 1- porphyry 2-red granite 3- bres stone 4- pudding stone 5- marble.Walls of building was built with the mold stone because this material is light and easy for processing.The mold stone was transported by sea way to Ahirkapı , then this material was transported from here to the construction site with horse cars.According to the Ottoman archives ;white marble from the island of
Marmara, red porphyry stone (porphyry) from Anatolia Mihalic, lead for covering the domes from Üsküp ve Sidre Kapsa and the wood Bart from Ereğli, Izmit, Karasu, Üsküdar, Rumeli and the Samanli.Marble, granite and

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