
Isolation In Lord Of The Flies

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Isolation can be defined as the separation of an individual or a group from another group. People often find comfort within belonging to general civilization and when people are isolated from this, it can be difficult for them to live normally. Isolation such as this can often result in actions taken by people that are deemed to be unacceptable or irregular in civilized society. William Golding’s Lord Of The Flies suggests that the isolation of children from civilized society for an extended period of time can lead to violent actions. Isolation from civilized society causes Jack to take violent action over time. When Jack first finds himself isolated from society on an island he is a civilized choir boy. While hunting for food, Jack is unable to kill a pig “because of the unbearable blood”pg.31 which this situation would present. However, as living away from society becomes more normal for Jack he is able to kill a pig. After the kill was made he “found the (pig’s) throat and (its) hot / blood spouted over his hands”.g.135 This act of violence directly contradicts Jack’s original feeling about the sight of blood which was once unbearable. As Jack spends more time on the island he loses what is deemed to be acceptable is regular society. Because of this, his change in his …show more content…

Early on, the unspoken rules of society keep Roger from causing harm to other boys. He throws stones at Henry but he “(throws them) to miss”pg.62 which shows that he is still impacted by societal rules. However, he is isolated from society for an extended period of time. When conflict erupts within the boys, he “(leans) all his weight on (a) lever” pg.180 that “(strikes) Piggy a glancing blow” pg.180 and ultimately takes his life. Roger being isolated from civilized society for an extended period of time leads him to kill Piggy. When before, he solely aimed to miss as the rules of society still meant something to

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