
Issues in Mexico Essay

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When we hear discussions or read articles about drug wars, killings, and illegal immigration into the United States, many of us immediately think of Mexico. As a nation, Mexico is a much greater country than these commonly referred to issues. Mexico is a country with a broad history, deep family culture, and an economy fueled by oil and tourism. The United States Department of State (USDS) offers a broad range of information on countries outside the US, including Mexico. I found a wealth of information about Mexico through the USDS Background Note provided on their website located at I will outline for you the key information found in this report, and others, related to the Mexican economy, culture, and more. The …show more content…

A Spanish conquest from the period of 1519 – 1521 ended with the establishment of a Spanish colony. Mexico declared its national independence from Spain in 1810. The people of Mexico are a combination of Aztecs, Mayas, Olmecs, Toltecs, and Spanish. Mexico is a Christian nation, with the primary religion being Catholicism. 76.5% of Mexico’s population practices the Catholic religion. Protestants account for 6.3% of those practicing a religion, with 13.8% being unspecified. The country is the world’s most populous Spanish speaking country, with a 2011 population estimated at 113 million people.

The government structure of Mexico is a federal republic, and is somewhat similar in structure to that of the US. The country has a President, elected by the people, and serves one six-year term. The country also has a Congress, which is a combination of a Senate and a Chamber of Deputies. The people elect members of Congress, like the President, and they may only serve one six-year term as well. The current President of Mexico, Filipe Caulderon, is representative of the National Action Party (PAN). PAN is one of several political factions active in Mexico’s politics.

In recent years, the Mexican government has made great strides to reinforce the importance of education by making access easier to citizens of all socio-economic levels. The 2006 World Bank report quoted in the USDS Background Note (2011) reports that primary education enrollment is almost

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