
It Is Shocking How Many Things We Take For Granted

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It is shocking how many things we take for granted. We plan out our day, and don 't think twice about how those plans can be taken away or changed in the blink of an eye. I never thought much about it personally, until I was faced with the surprise, and undeniable truth of my friend’s death. I don 't think anyone really thinks about tragedy until they are actually faced with the dreadful news. No one ever thinks that something that heartbreaking or shocking would happen to them; no one really puts themselves in a catastrophic scenario. Losing someone who can’t be replaced by anyone else is probably the hardest thing a person has to overcome.
It was my senior year of high school and everything was going great. My mother had been staying …show more content…

I got myself ready for school made sure my siblings were all dressed and ready as well, then made my way to the kitchen. I was sitting at the kitchen table drinking my cup of coffee listening to my dad and sister tease and joke around about how paranoid my brother was about how his first football game that he had that night. My dad was telling that maybe if I stayed and watched my brother at his game that he would feel a little more at ease because my dad didn’t get off work till late that night. And that I would have fun at the football game myself cheering him on. I was too stuck on the idea of finally getting away, that what my dad said to me went in one ear and came out the other. I was too busy thinking about the plans my mom and I had like to go shopping, take a tour of NYC, and then to end the night a dinner and a movie.
The plan was for my mom to get home from her trip, unpack and repack her clothes then relax a little till I came home from school and then we would be on our way; to what I expected to be the best weekend. My mom and I toured the city like it was our first time there ever; like we didn’t live and hour away. We were having out dinner reminiscing about what a wonderful day we had. All until we were interrupted by a phone call from my dad. My mom was still joking and in a senseless mood when she started talking to my dad. Suddenly

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