
It Should Have Been Me Narrative

Decent Essays

It should have been me. This is the only thought running through Clint’s head when he returns to the Avengers tower. Natasha grabs Clint’s arm to get his attention. “Hey it wasn’t your fault he died Clint.” “Yes it was. If I was fast enough, he wouldn’t have had to save me and the kid.” “He chose to save you and the kid. He knew that it would cost him his life. He made the choice Clint not you” “You don’t understand! The last things I said about him were if I shot him with an arrow nobody would know. My excuse was going to be the last time I saw him Ultron was sitting on him. Then he actually got killed by Ultron. If I hadn’t said those words he would still be alive.” “Clint even you have to admit that sounds crazy.” Natasha crosses her arms but lets him go back to his room knowing he needs time to heal by himself. Clint opens the door to his room, but before entering it, he turns his head to Natasha. “It should have been me.” …show more content…

Clint goes over to his beds and lays down. He runs his right hand over his face. It has been a long day. The exhaustion from today’s battle starts to hit Clint so he lets sleep take him. He dreams of Pietro saving him from Ultron. Clint sees Ultron heading towards him with a battle jet with the guns firing in his direction coming closer. He turns his body instinctively covering the child in his arms. He doesn’t feel a thing and is confused. He lifts his head and turns to look behind him to see Pietro with bullet wounds all over his body. Instead of his usual, you didn’t see that coming that he said during the battle something else came out of his

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